Islamic State could have gotten what they want. It would appear they have frightened the modern world into altering its behavior, resulting in publicity. Not the first time unarmed young people have been targeted. Remember the Nova Peace Festival? One has to wonder whether young people will hit the brakes on supporting Hamas, if they can't even enjoy a couple of hours of live music.
Remy Fri 09 Aug 2024 05:45:49 AM
"Young people" are not "supporting Hamas". They are opposing 76 years of the most brutal oppression, ethnic cleansing, genocide, torture, and illegal occupation in modern history by the rogue nation of Israel. does not "have to wonder whether young people will hit the brakes" on supporting a legitimate resistance movement against tyranny. Note that the article clearly states that the 17 and 19 year old would-be attackers were: "inspired by the Islamic State group and al-Qaida...". So a couple of misguided teens were influenced by religious extremist media (Neither Al-Qaida nor ISIS have anything at all to do with HAMAS). In the USA extremist Evangelicals are routinely whipped into a frenzy over the presence of "witches' in their community and encouraged to burn them. You have misguided teens shooting up your schools on a regular basis. 39 in 2023 alone. Perhaps young Americans will 'hit the brakes' on supporting access to guns in the USA.